
Ett till julklapps tips! En fluga i något tufft mönster eller med en snygg färg livar upp varje mans outfit. Flugan är dessutom utmärkt pga. att man kan använda den formellt och på fritid, själv gillar jag en riktit lös fluga i någon lite mörkare färg som levar upp ens bohema outfit. Ett prima exemplar hur man bär sin fluga ser ni nedantill i bilder ifrån Paul Smith FW 08.

Flugor á la David Hart


Tänkte föreslå julklappar i min blogg hela december. Skall försöka updatera varje dag me något litet eller stort.

Julklappstips numero ett: Färgranna halsdukar, något som är snyggt och piggar upp trista mörka vinter outfits.

Dover Street Market x Drakes halsduk.Finns att köpa på DSM E-Shop

Drakes halsduk.Finns att köpa på deras egna online shop.

Tipsar nu här bara om Drakes halsdukar, men såklart finns det andra snygga! Kolla in speciellt in Walter van Beirendoncks och Ralph Laurens utbud.

there's a place I'd like to go somewhere out west

Bilden är från Vivienne Westwood S/S 09, något jag tänkte blogga om senare.

Har inte bloggat på en stund, det beror på att jag inte haft någon lust. Gillar att blogga men vill int tvinga mej själv till det och skriva om saker jag inte bryr mej om. Men nu känner ja på mej att det händer mycket intressanta saker som jag kanske vill skriva om men vi får se.
Gjorde ett verkligt kap igår på rea, inhandlade mej en sommar/vår rock ifrån Dries Van Notens s/s 07. Denna jacka i mörkblått, passformen är inte lika lös på mej och gillar det mera!
Någo annat som kanske är värt att nämna är ju att modeveckan håller på just nu i Milan och fortsätter sedan någongång i Paris,Stockholm,London, New York etc. Tänkte kanske inte göra långa analyser om visningarna men kanske visa några favoriter och sånt. Orkar inte skriva så jätte allvarligt om mode, borde kanske skriva lite mera ifrån min egen synpunkt på saken.
Ni har alla säkert redan hört om det hajppade bändet MGMT så behöver inte lägga ut någo låtar, kan såklart om nån vill, men ville bara säga att Love Always Remains är en bra låt.


R.I.P Yves Saint Laurent


Yves Henri Donat Mathieu Saint Laurent
1936 - 2008

Sjätte Maj

Lite inspiration, skulle klassa dessa under den rebelliska världsresenären.

Delar även med mej en bra instrumental dans låt: Ratat- Seventeen Years

"Hedi Slimane is not designing a range for Diesel. WWD reported on rumors that Diesel is to launch the Red Collection designed by Hedi Slimane. The lined would have been aimed at high end shoppers. We hear there is no truth to this rumor. In fact, its totally inaccurate says the press office. I am excited for Hedi's return but I dream his return will be a namesake collection or something as expensive as his taste point eludes to be."
(Via Frillir)



Fanzine137 is an independent art, image and fashion publication made in Spain by Luis Venegas.  
Each new edition features unseen and unexpected works from artists worldwide.

Mycket inspirerande och intressanta bilder!

Karl Lagerfelt i Prestige!


"Ten Things Karl Lagerfeld Could Do Without

I hate the smell of cooking. Some people love it, but I don't care for it. I don't eat sweet things. I don't eat greasy things. And I like fish better than meat. In fact, I hate meat. My doctor calls me to eat meat twice a week, as apparently we are cannibals. There used to be a Nobu here in Paris but it was very bad; it was horrible. The one one in London is great. It's my favorite restaurant in London.

Fat people.
Yes, new Russian girls are like this. But this is a subject I won't discuss. You know why? In France there are a large percentage of young girls who are overweight and less than one percent are skinny. So let's talk about the 25 percent who have a weight problem, or are overweight. We don't need to discuss the less than one percent. Anorexia is nothing to do with fashion. These Russian girls are so young. Chinese ones are skinny, too, and bony. I don't think it's a subject to discuss. And in today's world, many people take drugs, not only models, hmm? It's an unnecessary subject. Let's talk about the fat ones.

Do you ever wish you had a son to pass on your wisdom to, to continue the Chanel heritage?
That's the last thing I want. I hate all children. For other people, it's fine, but not for me. I was born not to be a family person.

Going to other places that involve people.
I live in certain isolation. I never take appointments in the morning. I leave my house only after lunch. I don't want to have a social life. I've had enough of that in my life. It's demode. It's another era. Perhaps people are still excited by that era, but not me. It's uninteresting today. It says nothing. It's boring, pretentious and vulgar...Even for charity, people get paid. I try to avoid charity. It doesn't happen for me. I'm rich enough not to have to do that. Thank God I don't have to do that. I do a lot of unnecessary things for free, but I'm very much against that. Money itself isn't interesting, the use of it is.

Going to other places, period.
Sometimes, to be inspired by things or places, it's better not to go there. You have to imagine. I imagine the world from my window. I am not a traveler. I hate it. I never look at my watch. The good thing about private jets is that you go whenever you're ready. That's the real luxury of today. In all my contracts it says, if you want me, send a private jet.

People who try to touch him.
Also I cannot go on airlines because people stare at me, you have to be touched by people. I hate that...I hate bespoke because I hate to be touched by strangers. It bores me to death.

People who try to analyze him.
Diane von Furstenberg told me she thinks you may not be the best designer aesthetically, but that you're by far the smartest.
And look at her prints, hmm? Maybe I've known her for too many years. Maybe she's right, I don't know. If she were an expert, perhaps her designs may be more impressive...I'm not a frustrated writer or architect, I'm frustrated by nothing at all, and frustration is the mother of all crimes. Ambition? I have no ambition. I just want things in a certain way...I don't want to be a teacher. I don't want to inform others through myself. In that way, it's all for myself. I'm the most selfish person in the world. Being selfish, I take care of others. My mother always used to say, "Don't sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there's nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you.

The nineties.
I think that Claudia Schiffer is better than ever. There are few very, very, very great girls. But it's not like in the '90s, the days of Linda Evangelista. That's demode now, that's another era. Very tacky, hmmm? On the one hand there was something intellectual going on during that time. On the other, it was just tacky. But you know, decades have a look, a mood, but that was that. We know what the '90s looked like now, but during the '90s we thought it was great perhaps...I put on weight in the early '90s because clothes were so large, then they got tighter, so I slimmed down. Never go one size ahead. Go down but not up.

Technology, the internet, etc.
I'm a computer by myself. I have a memory also for unnecessary things. Telephone numbers are a problem, but historical details are not.

Love is a subject I don't analyze publicly. Love is only an interesting subject when it's beyond. When it's down to earth it ceases to become interesting. It's a very dangerous subject. I've had so many tragedies in life, it's hard to discuss the subject. "

Via http://stylezeitgeist.com

Han är så jävla rolig! Eller vad tycker ni?



Lägger upp lite bilder som på något sätt inspirerar mej! Hoppas ni gillar dem!

Har mappar fulla med bilder så kanske gör dett oftare!

Fjortonde Januari

The International Illustrated har släppt sitt tredje nummer! Check It Out! Gamla numrena är även skitcoola o fyllda med snygga illustrationer.

Dagens Soundtrack:

Shitdisco- Fear Of The Fututre (Download)

Yao Min Nya Blogg

Tjena! Detta är min nya blogg. Kommer o lägga upp saker angående musik,mode,filmer,konst,design etc :D

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